How’s Things Going?

by | Aug 1, 2020 | General

Shadows I Did It Emoji

Overdue Introduction

I’m overdue to be adding a post to this blog. I’ve spent a lot of time working on this site in the past week or so. I’ve been doing a lot of learning how to create printables and journals. Then I needed to plan how to prepare the ground work to be able to display and selling multiple products from the site.

I hopefully have at least the basics figured out and the plan in place. The first printable is up on the site, visit the Coloring Book page to find it. Looking forward to adding many more to the catalog. Also available from the sales page and the front page is the link to my first journal which matches the printable.

Some days it seems like so much to do and so few hours. But, I have 24 hours in a day , just like you do. The firmer my grasp of the hows will allow me to get on with the doing. Learning is a process.

Published: August 01, 2020

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