Having Some Fun With Frosty The Snowman
One of the things I’ve been enjoying about creating books has been the colouring books. They are time consuming to do but they also let me use creativity. Sometimes it means learning new techniques to do so but that’s okay, every technique learned is a new tool in the...
Has It Really Been Two Weeks?
I was surprised the other day to notice it had been two weeks since I last posted anything. My first thought was.. Naw, that can’t be right it’s only been like, a week. Maybe in my head but not in reality. What’s that cliche? Oh yeah — time flies. Appears it did,...
It’s The Hocus Pocus Time of Year
Halloween is a very popular night. Anyone who knows me, also knows, Halloween is not an event I get excited over. I’m aware a lot of people look forward to it. I was amazed a few years back to learn there is huge money spent at Halloween and it’s not just on candy for...