Draw & Write Story Journals
Spark your child’s creativity while they practice their penmanship.
It’s important for children to learn to value their imagination and how to put it to work. In the age of creativity, it’s a skill they should cultivate and have confidence in early.
The sooner children start expressing their creativity and imagination the sooner they will grow confident in them. Encourage them to develop these important skills. It’s great they will be able to have fun at the same time.
The book could be used for:
✓ creating their own stories
✓ first daily journal
✓ to record a family event or vacation etc
and more
- 8.5 x 11
- Suitable for children up to Grade 3
- Drawing page on right, with room to continue story on back of page
- Sturdy paper
- Recommend pencil or crayon as markers may bleed through to back of page.
- Wide-ruled with dotted mid-line to help child form their letters correctly with uniform size.
- Link included where you can get 100 story starter ideas for free (click on Story Starter tab to get it now)
It’s never too early to get a child started on creativity.
Sample Interior Pages
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Children sometimes need ideas to get them started on their creativity. This book has 100 ideas to help your child spark theirs.
Published: February 2020
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